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new engine

Wed May 29, 2024 6:38 am
by 8072
My 2006 Disco 3 has just clocked 200k, and is getting pretty smokey when i put my foot down, so i'm thinking new engine. is there an engine i can put in to make it ULEZ compliant ? and where to get one? and if no, what should I put in it? and where's the best place to get one of those?
thank you
Re: new engine

Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:09 am
by nigel3809
If you heavenly already I would get it diagnosed as many things can cause an engine to smoke before it needs a full replacements.
As far as I know (could be wrong) to make it ULEZ you need a the Petrol V8, might be cheaper to buy one I would of thought, than to have a garage swap one in to a Diesel D3.
Unless you live in London I would stick to the Diesel, great engines in the D3s
Re: new engine

Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:04 am
by Knappster
It would probably be cheaper to buy a newer compliant disco instead of replacing the engine in an 18 year old vehicle. You may be able to go electric but again, this would be at quite a cost.